Tennis Swing Analysis – NTRP 3.5 players

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Okay, I’ve watched the match and here are my observations and suggestions for improvement for both players.

Player in Red


  1. Good court coverage: You move well around the court and get to a lot of balls. (0:17, 1:03, 2:19)
  2. Consistent serve: Your serve is generally reliable and gets you into the point. (0:09, 1:24, 2:08)
  3. Solid volleys: You show good technique at the net and can put volleys away. (0:48, 1:09, 6:34)
  4. Fighting spirit: You don’t give up on points easily and battle hard.

Areas for Improvement:

  1. Forehand grip: It looks like you might be using a bit too much of an eastern grip on your forehand. Try adjusting to a semi-western grip for more topspin and power. This will help you keep the ball in the court more consistently. A good drill is to practice hitting forehands against a wall, focusing on brushing up the back of the ball.
  2. Backhand follow-through: Your backhand follow-through is sometimes short, which can lead to inconsistency. Focus on finishing your swing across your body, pointing your racket towards the target. Practice shadow swings to ingrain this movement.
  3. Footwork for volleys: While your volleys are solid, you could improve your footwork to get into a better position. Try taking smaller, quicker steps to adjust to the ball and get your body behind it. A good drill is to have someone feed you volleys while you focus on moving forward with each shot.
  4. Shot selection: At times, you go for winners too early in the point. Be more patient and build the point strategically, mixing up your shots and looking for opportunities to attack.

Player in Black


  1. Strong forehand: You have a powerful forehand that can dictate points. (0:45, 1:36, 4:48)
  2. Good anticipation: You read the game well and often anticipate your opponent’s shots. (1:05, 2:20, 7:31)
  3. Effective serve returns: You consistently put your serve returns in play and put pressure on your opponent. (0:10, 1:25, 4:25)
  4. Net play potential: You show flashes of good net play, but need to be more consistent.

Areas for Improvement:

  1. Backhand consistency: Your backhand can be inconsistent, especially when stretched. Work on strengthening your grip and using more body rotation to generate power and control. A helpful drill is to practice hitting backhands cross-court, focusing on a smooth swing path and a full follow-through.
  2. Serve toss: Your serve toss can be erratic, which affects your serve consistency. Practice tossing the ball consistently in front of you and slightly to the right (for a right-handed serve). A good drill is to simply practice your toss without hitting the ball, aiming for a consistent height and location.
  3. Volley technique: You sometimes hit volleys with a stiff wrist, which can lead to mishits. Relax your grip and focus on using a soft touch to absorb the ball’s pace and direct it. Practice volleying with a partner, focusing on keeping your wrist loose and guiding the ball.
  4. Movement after the serve: You tend to stay stationary after serving. Work on moving forward towards the net after your serve to put pressure on your opponent and be in a better position to volley.

Remember, tennis is a game of constant improvement. Focus on these areas one at a time, practice consistently, and you’ll see progress in your game. Keep up the good work and enjoy the process!

Less Detailed Feedback

Player in the Red Shirt


  • Good footwork: The player in the red shirt has good footwork and is able to get to the ball quickly and efficiently. (0:17, 0:37, 0:47)
  • Strong serve: The player in the red shirt has a strong serve with good pace and placement. (0:09, 0:17, 0:37)
  • Good net play: The player in the red shirt is able to volley effectively and is able to put away volleys with good accuracy. (0:57, 1:17, 1:47)
  • Good anticipation: The player in the red shirt is able to anticipate the ball well and is able to react quickly to shots. (0:17, 0:37, 0:47)

Areas for Improvement:

  • Forehand consistency: The player in the red shirt’s forehand is inconsistent at times. He needs to focus on hitting the ball in front of his body and making sure his swing path is smooth and low-to-high. (0:17, 0:37, 0:47)
  • Backhand control: The player in the red shirt’s backhand is a bit weak. He needs to work on his grip and make sure he is using his body rotation to generate power. (0:17, 0:37, 0:47)
  • Serve variety: The player in the red shirt could benefit from adding some variety to his serve. He could try a slice serve or a kick serve to keep his opponent guessing. (0:09, 0:17, 0:37)
  • Overhead consistency: The player in the red shirt’s overhead is inconsistent at times. He needs to focus on hitting the ball in front of his body and making sure his swing path is smooth and low-to-high. (0:17, 0:37, 0:47)

Player in the Black Shirt


  • Good forehand: The player in the black shirt has a good forehand with good pace and spin. (0:17, 0:37, 0:47)
  • Good backhand: The player in the black shirt has a good backhand with good control and accuracy. (0:17, 0:37, 0:47)
  • Good footwork: The player in the black shirt has good footwork and is able to get to the ball quickly and efficiently. (0:17, 0:37, 0:47)
  • Good anticipation: The player in the black shirt is able to anticipate the ball well and is able to react quickly to shots. (0:17, 0:37, 0:47)

Areas for Improvement:

  • Serve consistency: The player in the black shirt’s serve is inconsistent at times. He needs to focus on his toss and make sure his serving motion is smooth and rhythmic. (0:09, 0:17, 0:37)
  • Volley accuracy: The player in the black shirt’s volley is a bit weak. He needs to work on his contact point and make sure he is hitting the ball in front of his body. (0:57, 1:17, 1:47)
  • Overhead consistency: The player in the black shirt’s overhead is inconsistent at times. He needs to focus on hitting the ball in front of his body and making sure his swing path is smooth and low-to-high. (0:17, 0:37, 0:47)
  • Net play: The player in the black shirt could benefit from working on his net play. He could try to be more aggressive at the net and try to finish points quickly. (0:57, 1:17, 1:47)


  • Forehand consistency: Practice hitting forehands from the baseline with a focus on hitting the ball in front of the body and making sure the swing path is smooth and low-to-high.
  • Backhand control: Practice hitting backhands from the baseline with a focus on using the body rotation to generate power.
  • Serve consistency: Practice serving with a focus on the toss and making sure the serving motion is smooth and rhythmic.
  • Volley accuracy: Practice hitting volleys from the net with a focus on hitting the ball in front of the body.
  • Overhead consistency: Practice hitting overheads from the baseline with a focus on hitting the ball in front of the body and making sure the swing path is smooth and low-to-high.


Both players are showing good signs of improvement. Keep practicing and working hard, and you will continue to improve your game. Remember to have fun and enjoy the game!

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